Build Beautiful Apps In Record Time With Flutter

Build Beautiful Apps In Record Time With Flutter

Flutter is a platform built by the Google that allows us to create super fast applications that can run on both Android platforms and iOS platforms.

Flatter is a new mobile development SDK that has brought you to by Google to help you build fast, beautiful and cross-platform mobile applications. It uses a language called Dart. Flutter works with existing code, utilized by developers and organizations round the world, and it’s free and open supply.

The Language Stack

        While React Native is a Javascript library, Flutter is an SDK that deals with a totally isolate / separate programming language called Dart.

       What is Dart?

         Dart may be a general-purpose programming language developed by Google. It may also be used for internet web, server and mobile app development and IOT devices. Dart is an object-oriented programming language and supports things like abstraction, encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism.

        Dart programs can run in one of these two modes:

       In check mode, dynamic type insertion is enabled. These types of claims can be triggered if the static type is provided in the code. The checked mode is recommended for development and testing because it helps to capture errors in your code when types do not match.

     Production mode is the default mode of all Dart programs. It provides a faster way to run your program.

        Shared Preference :

            Flutter provides a plugin for accessing preferences on a device which wraps NSUserDefaults(on iOS) and SharedPreferences on Android. These methods provide you with persistent storage.

        Implementing adaptive master-detail layouts in Flutter

       Usually, while developing apps for mobile phones, there are numbers of problems when there are too many screens. In fact, quite the opposite. There is a lot to be thought about how to organize the app so that it is not messy.

     All these apps have the following features:

  • Fast development
  • Expressive, beautiful UIs
  • Modern, reactive framework
  • Access native features and SDKs
  • Unified app development

     Reasons why you may love it :

  • Full set of Material Design widgets.
  • Everything is a Widget.
  • Many packages.
  • Different themes for Android/iOS.

       Advantages :

Keyur Patel
Keyur Patel

Keyur Patel is the director at IT Path Solutions, where he helps businesses develop scalable applications. With his extensive experience and visionary approach, he leads the team to create futuristic solutions. Keyur Patel has exceptional leadership skills and technical expertise in Node.js, .Net, React.js, AI/ML, and PHP frameworks. His dedication to driving digital transformation makes him an invaluable asset to the company.