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Category: Web Development

What is Blazor and How Does It Work? A Quick Guide for 2024

Web Development

Blazor is an open-source web framework developed by Microsoft that allows developers to build interactive web applications using C# and .NET instead of JavaScript. It enables developers to create web apps using a...

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Best Frontend Frameworks For Web Development in 2024

Web Development

In the ever-evolving landscape of web development, staying abreast of the latest technologies is crucial for creating dynamic and user-friendly interfaces. As we step into 2024, frontend frameworks continue to play...

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How To Create Our Own Custom CMS To Operate BrightSign Devices

Web Development

Creating a custom Content Management System (CMS) to operate BrightSign devices involves several steps, including designing the CMS architecture, developing the software, and integrating it with the BrightSign devices....

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Laravel Pusher : How To Build Dynamic Real Time Application Using It

Web Development

Overview of Laravel Pusher

Pusher is a one kind of hosted service that makes it easy to implement real-time data in custom web and mobile applications. Pusher is a real-time layer between servers and clients. Pusher...

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How to Use WooCommerce To Transition Your Offline Business to Online

Web Development

In today’s digital age, having an online presence is crucial for any business. With the rise of e-commerce, consumers expect businesses to have an online store where they can browse and purchase products or...

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A Comprehensive Guide To Implementing Laravel Homestead for Local Development

Web Development

What is Laravel Homestead?

Laravel Homestead is a pre-packaged virtual machine that provides a development environment for Laravel web applications....

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Laravel Vs Node.js: Which One Should You Opt for Web Development

Web Development

Overview of Larvel and Node.js

Laravel is a popular PHP web development framework that follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture pattern. It provides a wide range of built-in features and tools for web...

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Top Five Industries That Can Use Node.js To Deliver Real-Time Solutions

Web Development

Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that is built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. It allows developers to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser and use it for server-side...

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Customizing Your WordPress Site in 2023

Web Development

WordPress Website Builders 2023

WordPress is a powerful and versatile platform that allows you to create stunning websites with ease. With its wide range of customization options, you can make your website look and...

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WooCommerce Webhooks: A Guide to Implementation and Best Practices

Web Development


WooCommerce is a popular eCommerce platform built on top of WordPress. It allows users to create online stores with ease and comes packed with features to manage products, orders, shipping, payments,...

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The Ultimate Guide to Understanding the Difference Between .NET and C#

Web Development

What Is .NET?

.NET is a free, open-source, cross-platform framework developed by Microsoft for building modern applications, including desktop, web, and mobile apps. It supports multiple programming languages and...

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What You Need To Know About WordPress 6.1 Misha, The Latest WordPress Release

Web Development

WordPress is being used on an astounding  43% of all websites on the web. So nearly every second website you visit is powered by WordPress and the other one is divided into other various platforms with no clear dominant...

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Angular vs. AngularJS: What You Need To Know

Web Development

Angular vs AngularJS

Due to our extensive custom development portfolio that includes multiple technologies both new and established, we get requests from multiple clients about the kind of technologies we can use...

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The Right ReactJS Developer Tools for your Custom Development in 2022

Web Development

With nearly 42% of developers using React js as per a report, ReactJs is one of the most widely used web frameworks as of today. There are multiple factors that are increasing the user base of ReactJS. ReactJS is...

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The Top 3 backend Frameworks and Which to Choose

Web Development

Backend frameworks enable the websites or apps with a server-side framework that primarily handle user requests. If the front end is what the user sees, the backend is what actually accomplishes the user requests. 


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A Complete Guide To Choosing the Best eCommerce Platform

Web Development

The digital transformation towards eCommerce is accelerating especially in a post covid world. Global eCommerce sales might reach $6.5 Trillion in 2022 alone. As such the growth and scope of eCommerce are accelerating...

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WordPress Web Development Trends to Watch Out For in 2022

Web Development

WordPress is one of the most well-known content management systems in the global web development market. WordPress has been the most successful CMS worldwide that builds an extensive assortment of plugins, themes,...

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Magento Ecommerce Development Trends To Watch Out for in 2022

Web Development


Magento can allow your business to have a significant online presence. Magento is a Adobe owned powerful ecommerce platform that is powering nearly 250000+ websites on the web. Magento platform can help...

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A Quick Guide For Magento 2.0 Migration in 2022

Web Development

Initially released in 2008, since then Magento has grown by leaps and bounds to become the preferred option for enterprise level eCommerce businesses online. There are roughly 2,50,000 online stores currently being...

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The Pros & Cons of Java and PHP for Your Next Project

Web Development

Introduction to PHP App Development

PHP is a server-side scripting language that has earned global recognition all these years for being a widely used and reliable language. There are thousands of top websites that...

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Top Laravel Trends in Web Development 2022

Web Development

Laravel is an open-source framework built on the PHP programming language and mainly used to develop robust web applications. The Laravel framework provides a rapid development platform so it has been a popular choice...

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Simple Way to Create A Google Maps API Key

Web Development

What is Google Maps.

Google maps is the most popular web mapping platform offered by Google. With Google maps, people can get maps view, directions and satelite view of the entire world. Google maps has now become...

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Here’s Why You Should Opt For Headless Commerce for Your eCommerce Store

Web Development

The retail & eCommerce industry has benefitted from the shift to remote work and more and more people moving to online. As such small-scale businesses and small eCommerce shops suddenly had to contend with a large...

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How To Create A Custom Feature Website in Squarespace for 2022?

Web Development


Squarespace offers strong website building options, beautiful themes, as well as eCommerce utilities, and plenty of easy-to-use marketing tools. It’s an all-inclusive option, giving website owners just...

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Is Webflow is the Best Web Design Platform Today?

Web Development

What Is Webflow?

Webflow is a no-code platform for web design & development with incredible animations, interactions, and integrations. Webflow envisions itself to enable people to develop websites as easily and...

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The Dos and Don’ts of Web Application Development

Web Development

Web application development is a very complex process. It is the one of the fastest growing areas in the IT services & offshoring industry and companies offering cookie cutter or custom solutions are available...

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Custom WordPress Development in 2020

Web Development, Wordpress

Custom WordPress Development

WordPress has managed to sustain itself as a web development platform, even during the toughest of competition and new platforms being created every year. What started as a pure blogging...

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Here are ten reasons why you should be using Drupal for big website.

Web Development

Here are ten reasons why you should be using Drupal for a big website.

1. It’s an attempted and certified framework applied by vast worldwide organizations...

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Why Laravel Is The Best PHP Framework In 2018

Web Development

When we want to build any website in PHP at that time choosing for right development framework to develop web application is very important to make our application more robust for better...

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Getting Started With Redux

Web Development


Currently, there are many scripting languages which provide a component-based approach to develop a web application, like Angular, React etc. To develop such an application...

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Know About In-Memory Caching (ASP.NET Core)

Web Development

Some of the things to grasp concerning In-Memory Caching in ASP.NET Core

The main purpose of caching mechanism is to boost the performance of an application....

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Some Helpful Things to Making E-Commerce Website By AngularJS

Web Development

AngularJS is a client-side side JavaScript MVC system to build up a dynamic web application. AngularJS was initially begun as a task in Google however now, it is open source system, AngularJS...

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The Difference Between Laravel and Yii Framework

Web Development

Laravel is one among the foremost standard PHP frameworks contains many advanced options helpful for fast application development. At first free in 2011, its latest version Laravel five.4...

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Web Design Trends in 2016

Web Development

With latest technology and powerful tools, web designing has become more popular and important. The websites are hub for the people who want information, start e-commerce business. And for that one needs creative...

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How AngularJS shape your website/app, look at our exclusive showcase

Web Development

AngularJS is an adaptable, powerful, structural and flexible front-end JavaScript MVC Framework, launched in 2009, for Dynamic web apps maintained by Google and by a community of individuals & corporations. It...

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