How Microservices Can Impact Your Online Business

what are microservices and how it impacts on business

What Are Microservices

Microservices are a modern software architecture approach that structures an application as a collection of small, independent services, each responsible for a specific functionality. Unlike monolithic architectures, where all components are tightly coupled, microservices operate independently and communicate via APIs. This design enhances scalability, flexibility, and maintainability, allowing teams to develop, deploy, and update services separately without disrupting the entire system. Companies like Netflix, Amazon, and Uber leverage microservices to build highly scalable and resilient applications. By adopting microservices, businesses can improve development efficiency, reduce downtime, and enhance the overall performance of their software solutions.

Due to their granularity and reusability, microservices provide IT organizations with significant potential for increased agility and cost savings. However, they also provide difficulties, much like many other novel architectural paradigms. A microservices design causes an explosion in the number of application endpoints.

Containers and Dockers are two crucial terms to understand when discussing microservices.


 Containers, which are the tools and procedures used to create and arrange microservices, go hand in hand with microservices. It is a collection of settings, code, runtime, libraries, and system utilities. Containers enable concurrent processes on various microservices while separating software systems from one another while they operate in the same environment. For instance, the Linux kernel is used to operate several isolated Linux systems on a controlled host using Linux containers (LXC).


Dockers are, to put it simply, container management solutions that speed up the process of developing scalable and simple-to-manage applications. With the help of Docker microservices, it is now possible to start applications more quickly, deploy them more quickly, make greater use of computing resources, manage and scale containers more easily, and support additional OS systems.

Microservices Business Benefits

A business could benefit from microservices since they can increase agility. A development organisation can provide new features more quickly because of the combination of DevOps and microservices. A microservice can be created more quickly than the traditional large-scale software development project involving a monolithic application because it just requires a little development effort. Change management has become simpler and quicker.

Microservices move more quickly and independently. The development process does not contain waterfalls as a monolithic application does. Each microservice can be created using any programming language or technique because they are all autonomous. Additionally, you get more diversity. Larger solutions can be created by combining smaller ones. Naturally, this is based on the supposition that the DevOps process is effective, that the organisation is aware of how to implement microservices using DevOps, and that the microservices can be managed successfully.

Failures of microservices are also less severe than failures of larger systems. A monolithic application’s failure in one area typically has a significant negative impact on the entire system. The next step is to identify the issue and, if necessary, publish a new version of the program that includes a fix for that specific error. In a microservices design, problems can be resolved more quickly and easily.

You recognize it, keep it apart, and make up for it. If your architecture uses microservices, you can grow the microservices to get around a performance barrier. A monolithic application’s operational waterfall can be avoided by promptly creating a new version of the flawed microservice.

Plus Points of Microservices for Business

We have witnessed great development and success from a best practice approach to the transition while working with businesses to create their roadmap and goals for the switch to a containerized architecture. Among the most popular advantages for businesses are:

A Path to Commercial Agility

There are a lot of risks involved when making modifications to legacy applications because altering one procedure could have a detrimental impact on another. In contrast, updates can be carried out separately from the rest of the application when using loosely linked microservices.

Ability to Implement Best Practices for Security

Microservices require consistent access and security for every microservice, as well as a complete understanding of and insight into network relationships. Apply service mesh and utilise your extensive knowledge of cluster networking and container scanning to make sure your environment is utilising all available security-related capabilities.


Instead of enlarging the current machine, microservices can be extended horizontally by running two machines next to each other. Because of this, you may scale up and down as needed, saving money and enhancing the user experience.

Enhanced Performance Of The Application

When issues do occur, only a tiny portion of your application is impacted rather than the entire thing. End customers benefit from increased performance, and there is no downtime while IT fixes the issue and resumes regular service.

Consistency & Clarity

Due to their requirement to grow, many businesses switch to containerized infrastructure. Microservices are straightforward to manage, replicate, and remove when automated and templated. This indicates that your method of scaling, coordinating, and controlling your application is consistent.

Key Takeaway

Microservices offer a goal-driven approach to capturing the business potential and generating automated solutions that are simple to design, create, test, and deploy thanks to their flexibility and modularization capabilities. For corporations from small to large enterprises, a microservice architecture is the best choice for automating their process flows and achieving business value in a planned and structured way. When weighed against their benefits, the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Keyur Patel
Keyur Patel

Keyur Patel is the director at IT Path Solutions, where he helps businesses develop scalable applications. With his extensive experience and visionary approach, he leads the team to create futuristic solutions. Keyur Patel has exceptional leadership skills and technical expertise in Node.js, .Net, React.js, AI/ML, and PHP frameworks. His dedication to driving digital transformation makes him an invaluable asset to the company.